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Have you ever wondered how we stack up to our competition? Here is all of the information gathered from not only our website, but our competitors as well!

The average home uses 65-85 GB of data a month, breaking down into the following:
Emails - 15 Mb/month
Web Surfing - 8 Gb/month
Streaming Music - 2 Gb/month
Streaming Video - 65 Gb/month (watching a 2h movie a day)
Photo uploading and downloading - 4 Gb/month

Netflix Guide for streaming video:
Good quality (uses up to 0.3 GB per hour)
Better quality (uses up to 0.7 GB per hour)
Best quality (uses up to 1 GB per hour, or up to 2.3 GB per hour if watching HD)

All information verified correct as of April 30, 2014